As the planter requires just one operator the
LABOUR SAVINGS are truly exciting and result in a short payback when planting
for a typical 100 day UK season
Heads and trays |
1.5 to 2 years. The best germination rates will give the fastest payback.
Averages 20% more per day than 10 row semi-automatic machines
Can be worked in two shifts for near 24 hour work when required.
Dry weather advantages over lightweight manual planters are that plants are firmer
and deeper planted in ridges when needed. Deals with damp and wet soils well,
thanks to good coulter design and clean press wheels
Tight and deep in the moisture, and in an
upright position |
More >> |
Auto-sensing Selection takes place at up to 3.5 plants
per second for handling poorly germinated trays with ease.
Unlike plants in-filled
by hand after the machine has passed - ALL machine planted modules will grow
on as the others.
Some cross-rooting is handled with no loss of speed and lower
germinated trays can be in-filled to a higher germination level.
Clean tray pick |
An innovative Positive Pick mechanism ensures an excellent ‘clean’ tray.
Modules should have a good root structure for effective handling through the
An even canopy denotes a Pearson Autoplanted field!
Uniform growth |